Friday, 15 September 2017


Sorrow painted all over-
Burdened with the load,
It crackled in pain.
Pampered by the skies,
They had no choice-
Journey destined by the blowing winds
In the vast expanse
It sailed lifeless.
Neither the breeze knew when to disembark,
Invisible reins guided them.
A chariot rattled around universe,
It showered fire.
Filthy mouths united in prayers,
Treacherous souls shivered with fear.
Tears squeezed through sore eyes-
None so brave to combat karma.
Numb with fear,
Blinded by the torrential downpour.
A leap of faith,
Rose above all beliefs.
Every drop is destined to a gut,
Cannot be barred on grounds of color.
Yet so kind the Supreme is,
He heard not of the few peasants,
But prayers that wished a prolong summer.
Mortal is a being,
Immortal his desires -
Wrapped in another body,
Satiate his cravings.
They wish to conquer
With concrete muscles,
Denying a drop to seep.
Metal and plastic will sustain long
And terror much longer,
But every drop is destined to a gut,
If treasured other wars can be won.

Monday, 22 May 2017


Hit by the words,
That glitter-
All the glory,
Lost its charm.
The heights never matched.

Sacrifice went vain,
Bitten by mockery -
Beaten by vengeance,
All pride bottled up,
Wrapped with nothingness -
Sunk into deep silence.

Eroded by soothing waters,
Frail and fragile,
Blinded by the brightness
Crawling slowly-
Set its foot onto the edge
Unaware of the evil appetite,
Again consumed by covetous dreams.

Billion endeavours -
Yet not an eye blink.
Wreathe and wax,
Showered over the parched body.
History witnessed-
Stars, named after much deliberation,
But untitled remained the labour.

Thursday, 20 April 2017


Numb and lifeless
All vigor taken hostage,
By the fears.
Troubled by the demons-
In anonymity it fought,
A war that raged much uncertainties.
Remembrances were obscure-
Responses quavered.
Things occurred
Unexplainable, actions not justified.
Lost in angst -
Terrified by the voices.
Every face that passes by-
Inspires to wrought the character.
In this very exercise to better oneself,
With time, reflections in the mirror have failed
To identify the self.
How can the bloodshed be justified -
Handful of ash washed away by the waters,
Reminds nothing is eternal.
If existed a hand,
I crave for one
To pull out of the nothingness.

Thursday, 5 January 2017


Underneath the abundance of stars,
An aroma that the winter carried -
Stronger than any other season
Lingered enough to be sensed.

Startled by the stark beauty,
Every breath savoured the night-
Elegantly dressed,
Stars sprinkled all over
A smile befitting took the centre stage -
Perhaps the passing cloud
Could have more than a glimpse.

Night is a disguise,
To be ahead of times.
Flesh shimmers only in broad day light,
Enlightened souls seek the darkness.

Thousand words can never string together,
To define calmness-
One who is soaked into the silence of the night
Befriends all fears.

Footsteps of night,
Never to be heard.
Colour of the sky is never seen.

Silhouettes far away slowly loosened the ends,
Balancing the act the humble night tiptoed-
And from the other wing rose the mighty Sun.

Awakened by the diffused rays
Mist drizzled to the ground-
Seeping through and through,
Till the wisdom nourished the roots.